How to Add The Kind of “Marketing Muscle” to Your Health Coaching Website That Helps You Get More Clients

Many health coach websites look fabulous, but they lack “marketing muscle” power. That means they won’t do much to help the coach get clients. Luckily, there are simple ways you can turn on your website’s marketing power! Now if your website Homepage is doing its job, the person coming to it will know right away […]
3 Secrets For Health Coaches Who Want To Write An “About” Page That Gets Them More Clients

If you want your website to turn visitors into paying health coaching clients, then you need to know these 3 About page secrets. Because the problem many people make is they think the About page should include things like their bio, their credentials, their “story,” or their mission. But that’s not really what people want […]
This is The Key Success Factor When Marketing Your Health & Wellness Coaching Business

There are a lot of different ways to market your health & wellness business. But if you want your marketing to do a better job getting you health coaching clients, there is one essential thing you need to include. In fact, it’s the key “success factor” in marketing yourself as a health coach. Unless you […]
The 3 Most Common Mistakes Health and Wellness Coaches Make on Their Homepage

Your homepage is the most important real estate on your health coach website. Even if people first land on a different website page, most of them will check out the homepage if they want to find out more about you. That makes your homepage prime real estate! And if it’s done right, it will help […]
Which kind of health coach website is right for you?

Your website is one of your most important marketing assets. It’s the first place people go to find out more about you. And if it’s done right, your website will do a lot of the heavy lifting to bring you new clients.