Piper Wellness Marketing

How Health & Wellness Coaches Turn Their Skills And Expertise Into a Profitable Business

Marketing for Wellness Professionals.

Hi, I’m Nicole.

If you’re like most of my clients, you dream of helping people transform their lives.

And you know you can!

Most people just need a little guidance from someone with your skills and training. But there’s a problem …

Most health coaches struggle to find clients. They have a hard time making a living because they don’t know how to market themselves.

Some spend a lot of time and money trying different things, but they don’t get the results they want. Well there’s a good reason why.

The fact is, unless you have a marketable health coaching business, it doesn’t matter how much time or money you spend on marketing to get new clients.

Your website … being active on social media … advertising …

None of these efforts will do as much as they could to help you get clients.

How I Help Health Coaches Create a Marketable Wellness Business

Before I started marketing for health and wellness professionals, I spent 29 years as a marketing and brand strategist, building and marketing brands around the globe. 

During that time, I learned a lot about how to create a strong brand and turn it into a profitable business. 

Without exception, the most important thing we did was this: 

First, we got very clear on our positioning … who the brand was for and how it was different from other, similar brands.

Nicole Piper - marketing for wellness professionals

Second, we clarified our messaging … we had to speak to our audience in a way that would make them listen.

These 2 essentials are at the heart of every successful brand … and business.

No matter what the business sells, and no matter what size it is.

The same is true when implementing marketing for wellness professionals. You need clear positioning and messaging if you want to attract people and build your business.

The Marketing Solution For Health & Wellness Professionals

For health & wellness professionals, positioning and messaging are even more important.


Because the market is saturated. There’s a good chance your potential clients have heard a lot of promises and “solutions.” They may even have tried a bunch of them. 

So quite often, they’re confused. Even worse, they’re skeptical. 

Nicole Piper - On CCL Stage

That’s why you need a unique marketing approach that specifically addresses the challenges you face as a health & wellness professional. 

You need a way to stand out, overcome your future clients’ confusion, and break through their skepticism. In short, you need to give your business a unique marketing advantage. 

I’ve helped hundreds of health coaches, doctors, and practitioners create and leverage their unique marketing advantage. 

My approach combines brand-building strategies, powerful copywriting, and direct marketing techniques. I’ve adapted them to specifically meet the challenges you face as a health & wellness professional.

Piper Wellness Marketing – Brand Positioning

Step 1: Differentiate & Position

Stand out and separate what you do from other health coaches by using brand-building principles tailored to health & wellness.

Step 2: Attract & Resonate

Create the right kind of brand messaging that will get your future clients’ attention and resonate deeply with what they care about most

Health Marketing – Piper Wellness Marketing
Health Marketing – Piper Wellness Marketing

Step 3: Activate & Scale


Build marketing assets and use proven marketing strategies to engage your future clients and help you build your business faster.

If you’re ready to attract and engage more health coaching clients, I'm here to help

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