

Hey there, I’m Nicole

Once upon a time, I dreamed of being a corporate bigwig.  So I commuted 90 minutes each way into NYC to work long hours at an office.

I sacrificed a lot.  But eventually I was adorned with the coveted title of Vice President of Marketing.

I cut deals with swanky entertainment companies like Disney, Marvel, and Rovio (the creators of Angry Birds).

I also worked for swanky entertainment companies like MTV, Nickelodeon, Pokemon, and The Sharper Image.

My jobs had me flying around the world negotiating deals with the heads of companies …  deals that helped turn the brands I worked for into massive businesses in over 40 countries.

My friends thought I had such a glamorous career!  And sometimes it was glamorous.

I stayed at hotels where I had my own butler, dined at Michelin 3-star restaurants, and flew first class to places like Singapore, Tokyo, and Sydney. 

But underneath that shiny exterior, I felt empty.  My work didn’t feel important or like it make a difference in people’s lives.

So after 29 years, I decided to kiss my glitzy, globe-trotting career goodbye.

I know that might sound crazy. But I was fed up with what my life had become …

Even when I was home, I was so busy catching up on household things I barely had time for him.

One of my worst memories was when he was an adorable toddler playing on the family room floor.  I walked past him with a pile of clothes to put in the washer and he said, “Mommy, do you want to play with me?”

I remember saying, “I do, sweetie, but I don’t have time.” 

The memory of telling my child I didn’t have time for him is almost unbearable.  I still feel an ache in my chest when I think of it. 

I was miserable.  But I felt guilty complaining because I had a career my friends would have killed for.

I secretly dreamed of doing something that felt meaningful to me.  I wanted to wake up every morning, in love with my work and excited to start the day.  And I wanted to spend more time with my boy before I missed out on his childhood altogether. 

Then one day, deliverance came in an unexpected form.

I was laid off.


To say I was blindsided is an understatement. I had negotiated a deal for the hottest entertainment brand on the planet at the time – Angry Birds.  The company I was working for was raking in the dough.  They had already made $60 million from it, which make it one of the most lucrative licensing deals they’d ever had.  And they were just getting started!

I won’t go into it here, but I later found out there was some office politics going on behind the scenes which resulted in me being laid off.

Well, that was the last straw.  I no longer believed in the “security” of a corporate paycheck.  So I might as well take a risk and start something that would bring me joy instead. 

I decided to take everything I learned about building and marketing brands and use it to help health coaches and practitioners market themselves so they can transform more people’s lives.

It didn’t happen overnight. But with perseverance and investing in the right opportunities when they came along, I created a business I absolutely love.


My approach helps health coaches and practitioners build profitable businesses that attract more clients, while giving them more freedom.

They work and live on their own terms, just like I do.

For me, that initially meant being home … Now that he’s in college, it means spending time traveling.  One of my true pleasures is working out of Paris and other parts of Europe whenever I want.  In the last year alone, I spent 10 weeks there.

I’ll take the life I have now over having a private butler on a 2-day, caffeine-fueled contract negotiation trip to London any time!

Why Don’t More Coaches Know This Secret?

So how did I manage to go from being a corporate executive at the mercy of the companies I worked for, to living my dream life while helping health coaches build theirs?

Well, through a chain of astonishing events, I became an apprentice to one of the world’s top alternative health copywriters. He divulged secrets about health and wellness copywriting that you can’t find in any book, course, or workshop.

His secrets are so powerful that I had to sign an NDA before he’d share them with me.


And with those secrets, I started writing copy for people in natural health and wellness.  In fact, I’ve written sales promotions that have converted so well that I’m among the few copywriters who earn royalties. 

The health space is one of the most competitive and difficult areas to write in.  Just think about it.  If I’m writing a supplement promotion, I have to come up with a brilliant way to make the pill I’m writing about stand out from every other pill it competes with.

By finding its magic … the unique “pixie dust” that explains why the product I’m writing about is different (and better) than any other product out there.

By searching for its unique power positioning … the magic “pixie dust” that explains why the product I’m writing about is different and better than any other product out there. 

Why Health Coaches Struggle To Get Clients

Now think about the world you’re in for a moment … It’s practically the same.

Most health coaches struggle to stand out.  And a lot of the marketing advice they’re given, like pick a niche, create a “brand,” and build a website, doesn’t help.

It keeps them floundering in the sea with all the other health coaches.

Sadly, they appear to be a dime a dozen, all because they were given cookie-cutter marketing advice.

But you, my friend, are NOT a cookie!

How The Happy & Prosperous Health Coach Method Can Help You Build Your Dream Business

Okay, the past is over.  You’re here now, so let’s fix this! The Happy & Prosperous Health Coach Method gives you a way to stand out and make people excited to work with you.  It does this in 3 steps:

Step 1


Using the exclusive 3+1 Piper Positioning Process, we’ll unlock the thing that makes you unique and the obvious best choice for your dream clients.

Step 2


Then with the Million $ Messaging Method, we’ll craft the 5 key messages you need to attract and captivate more people who want to work with you.

Step 3


Finally, we’ll bring magic to your marketing by creating the 2 Endless Leads Assets.  Your dream clients will be excited about working with you long before you say “hello!”

Since leaving the corporate world, I’ve helped over 1,000 health coaches through my trainings, coaching, and services  As a result, many of them make much more money and have  a business that supports the life they want to live.  

Ready to get started?